Gyógyuljunk természetesen: tejtermékekkel, tojással, savanyúkáposztával
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HUF 3,990
I am confident that with the help of this book I have managed to bring to the surface another slice of the forgotten ancient knowledge. I also hope that this book you now hold in your hand will inspire the power of creation in you. The medicines described in it - dairy products, eggs, sauerkraut - are substances that are in accordance with the laws of Nature. Put the new knowledge into practice, improve their health, make their diet more varied, and make themselves younger and more attractive. I recommend the book to a wide camp of those interested in natural remedies, naturopaths, and representatives of complementary medicine.
publisher | Reménygyógyulás Kft |
writer | Dr. Kovács József |
scope | 328 |
volume unit | oldal |
ISBN | 9789630858625 |
year of publication | 2013 |
binding | paper / soft binding |
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